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Where to find us

726 Exchange Street, Suite 822
Buffalo, NY 14210
Phone: 716-854-5034
Fax: 716-854-7195

Forensic Accounting & Audit Services

Can you afford to lose 7% of your revenues? It is estimated that fraud annually runs about 7% of gross revenues of all businesses. Now is the time to take a closer look at your company's policies, procedures and internal controls to see where improvements can be made to reduce your risk of fraud.

When it comes to forensic accounting and fraud investigation services, your peace of mind is our goal.

Since 1972, BS&P has been home to some of Western and Upstate New York’s most trusted fraud and forensic accountants.

Because of our extensive experience in forensic accounting, accounting fraud investigations and examinations and litigation support, we know how to serve you as a partner and assist with all aspects of your forensic accounting needs. Our professionals have CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner) certifications.

Forensic Accounting & Audit Services

Forensic Accounting Services

Our professionals specialize in investigative auditing and have years of experience in detecting and quantifying instances of accounting fraud. We can rebuild financial record-keeping systems that have been compromised. Our talents and skills enable us to locate hidden assets and maximize your recoveries when you find yourself a victim of fraud.

Internal Control Reviews

As CPAs and fraud examiners, we understand risk management and the importance of checks and balances. We can help evaluate the existing controls currently safeguarding your business, or design a more effective system. A strong fraud prevention program will help deter those attempting to pillage your organization.

Highly Trained & Experienced International Staff

Our firm has extensive experience assisting businesses in protecting themselves and investigating suspected abuses. In addition to CPAs, we offer or have access to individuals who have earned internationally recognized certifications in internal auditing and fraud examination. Our knowledge comes from years of experience and the specialized training we have received from national experts in the field. We offer practical suggestions and effective solutions.

International Access to Professionals

Our firm is a proud member of CPAmerica International, a global network of accounting and consulting firms with access to thousands of professionals in virtually every industry across the country and around the world, including numerous certified fraud examiners. You benefit by receiving targeting advice and service, regardless of your industry.

Is Fraud Occurring In Your Company?

Employees committing fraud often display certain behaviors or characteristics that may serve as warning signs. Some examples include:

  • Living beyond means
  • Financial difficulties
  • Family or personal problems
  • Refusal to take vacations
  • Wheeler dealer attitude
  • Unusually close attention with vendor / customer
  • Control issues
  • Unwillingness to share duties
The presence of one or more of these characteristics does not necessarily mean that fraud is actually occurring; however, management should explore the possibility that fraud exists.

 The following is a list of the most frequent types of fraud that occur in small companies:

  • Check tampering
  • Fraudulent billing
  • Skimming
  • Cash larceny
  • Expense reimbursements
  • Payroll schemes